Ordinary Time


“O Lord,
calm me into a quietness
that heals
and listens,
and molds my longings
and my passions,
my wounds,
and wonderings
into a more holy
and human

Todd Loder, Guerrillas of Grace, 1984


But the Lord wanted to crush him and to make him suffer. If his life is offered as restitution, he will see his offspring; he will enjoy long life. The Lord’s plans will come to fruition through him. After his deep anguish he will see light, and he will be satisfied. Through his knowledge, the righteous one, my servant, will make many righteous, and will bear their guilt. Therefore, I will give him a share with the great, and he will divide the spoil with the strong, in return for exposing his life to death and being numbered with rebels, though he carried the sin of many and pleaded on behalf of those who rebelled.

Isaiah 53:10-12


During my last semester of college, there was a period of time where I was at the lowest of lows. I felt like my life had hit rock bottom and that I could not figure out how to come up for air. It was a very scary place to be.

Despite the darkness that I felt, there always seemed to be this glimmer of golden light in my heart. It was faint and far away, but it was still present — emitting light and warmth when I needed it the most. I am grateful for this difficult time in my life because I know God in a way now that is incredibly deep and intimate.

I know that this light was God. This light lives inside you as well. God has always been and will always be present with you.

Our final verses of Isaiah describe what life is and will be like for those who endure in the midst of difficulty and suffering. Pay attention in your deep anguish; you will see God’s light.

Sarah Briggs


Thank you, God, for always being a light in dark places. Help me to notice your light when I need it the most. Help me to bring your light to others. Amen.


“It’s gonna be alright
Turn around and let back in the light
And joy will come
Like a bird in the morning sun
And all will be made well
Once again”

Josh Garrels, “Morning Light,” 2015