
What would it be like to see Jesus - really see Jesus - just as he was, and just as he is? Chances are, no matter what our current ideas, if we saw Jesus clearly we would be surprised.

Seeing Jesus clearly is not a matter simply of his physical makeup, but of the character and spirit of who Jesus is.

Take time for another look at Jesus now, and prepare to learn something new about how you see him.


"Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." He said this to indicate the kind of death he was to die.

John 12:31-33


Uh-oh, this is one of those tough sections of scripture. Jesus knew that the days ahead would not end well. Jesus knew that God’s plan for judgment was unfolding. Did Jesus whine and wimp out?

Nope, Jesus told the folks exactly what was about to happen.

Jesus knew that bad stuff was about to happen. Jesus knew that the bad stuff would still have good outcomes.

In this Lenten journey, you may encounter some bad stuff too. Know, as Jesus knew, the good stuff is more powerful, and more meaningful. Awesome!

Bo Prosser


God of all things, please protect me in the bad stuff and keep me focused on you in the good stuff. Help me to lift up Jesus so others can have some good stuff too. Amen.


Look there at Jesus.
Who do you see?

Follow him.