Ordinary Time


Close your eyes, take a deep breath.

Prepare your mind and heart for what God wants to give you today.


Salt is good; but if salt loses its saltiness, how will it become salty again? Maintain salt among yourselves and keep peace with each other.”

Mark 9:50


Before refrigerators existed, salt was used for several things. Two of the uses for salt were: first to flavor food and second to preserve food. People used salt to keep food from spoiling.

If the salt is not salty, it has no use. You were created to be salt on earth. You were created so that everything you touch, everything you do lets God’s people know you are present. There are times when we feel dull and forget we are created by God to give flavor to this earth and preserve it in God’s name.

You were created to flavor the earth and preserve it. You are salt. Never forget that, for your God has seen flavor in you and uses you so that with your unique flavor you reflect the kingdom of heaven in everything you touch.

William Muñiz

Question to Ponder:

What can you contribute to the work of God’s community?


God, I pray that I may always be salt on earth. Help me to flavor the world with your love, mercy, empathy and compassion. I want to be salt so others know who you are.



The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord’s face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the eyes of God’s favor be upon you and may you do the work that God has put in you.