Ordinary Time


Jesus our Redeemer, teach us this day faithfulness.

Jesus our Friend, inspire us to act with kindness and mercy.

Jesus the Christ, calm our spirit in the ways of grace and peace.


Enter his gates with thanks; enter his courtyards with praise! Thank him! Bless his name! Because the Lord is good, his loyal love lasts forever; his faithfulness lasts generation after generation.

Psalm 100:4-5


Anytime I see a product advertising a lifetime guarantee I am simultaneously elated and suspicious. I want to pledge my customer loyalty to said product and/or brand, but come on — are you sure you won’t disappoint me? Therein lies the issue. I expect (and suspect) failure. After all, as the saying goes — nothing lasts forever.

While that may be true for products on the market, the psalmist in today’s passage says, “Not so fast.” God’s loyal love lasts forever. It is a bold and clear statement. The Holy One is loyal and faithful, through multiple generations. There is a lifetime guarantee of goodness that has no end in sight. Nothing we do (or don’t do) can mess that up. It makes no sense, but it sure does make meaning.

In a society in which the shelf-life of the latest trend or social media app has an expiration date, thank God for the loyal love of Jesus whose grace lasts forever.

Aram Bae


God, I confess that my feelings and my thoughts change. It all depends on circumstances. But you are different, Lord. Your goodness, faithfulness, and love are loyal, lasting forever. Help me to see that today. Guide me towards your loyal love, and help me to share that truth today. Amen.


May Jesus the Christ bless you and keep you.

May Jesus the Christ smile upon you and be gracious towards you.

And may Jesus the Christ lead you on this day in the path of wisdom and peace.

And all of God’s people said,
