Ordinary Time


With eyes closed and hearts opened in prayer, perhaps then we have what we need to see what wisdom looks like in our lives.


What of the wisdom from above? First, it is pure, and then peaceful, gentle, obedient, filled with mercy and good actions, fair, and genuine. Those who make peace sow the seeds of justice by their peaceful acts.

James 3:17-18


We spend so much of our time waiting. Whether on something or for someone, or in line or in a waiting room, or for a grade or results from a test – so often our time is occupied by doing nothing while we wait for something.

But what if we prayed to see waiting in a new light? What if we, like St. James, look at waiting as one of many “peaceful acts” that make up a humble life? After all, the very “seeds of justice” are sown when we act in peace (v. 18). And what better image could we have of waiting than the anticipation of what will grow after planting a seed?

And what if we could see waiting through the eager eyes of a child? Then maybe we would see waiting as a time to grow our trust in God and as a time God could use to grow within us “the wisdom from above” (v. 17). What beautiful things may blossom in our lives then?

Sarah Boatwright


Thank you, God, for your pure and gentle wisdom. Please help me to act peacefully and wait patiently. Amen.


A candle flickers and prayers arise.

Our Lord, who is with us in prayer,

stays close after the “Amen,”

and will guide us,

who are blinded by ignorance and darkness,

into wisdom and light.