Ordinary Time


Take a moment. Close your eyes and mind to everything around you. Let the noise of the world fade.

“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

In the quiet of this time, rest in that promise.


“So now put aside the foreign gods that are among you. Focus your hearts on the Lord, the God of Israel.”

The people said to Joshua, “We will serve the Lord our God and will obey him.”

On that day Joshua made a covenant for the people and established just rule for them at Shechem.

Joshua 24:23-25


Foreign gods… that sounds like it doesn’t involve me. I don’t have any statues around. It’s finally nice to find a Bible verse that doesn’t challenge me!

Of course, I’m joking. I have and have had so many foreign gods in my life – money, relationships, possessions, professional attainment, physical fitness, self… Need I go on?

I have a new dog, and every day we walk early in the morning. Lately, this time has become holy in that I talk to and with God. A big part of my side of the conversation is an admission that I’ve put other things before God. There is also a commitment or covenant to try to live the day ahead differently – that is, with God as my priority. Because I’ve known God’s forgiveness and grace through Christ, my walk always ends with a clean slate.

What gods are in your life? Is it time for some re-commitment?

Bill Ogletree


Thank you, God, for the opportunity for a new slate each day of my life. Help me recognize gods in my life other than you. Strengthen my commitment. Amen.


Go from this time asking, “Whom will I serve today?”

Remember, you’re not a random accident. God, the author of all things, started your story and has your back.

God is worthy of your service.