Ordinary Time


Take a moment. Close your eyes and mind to everything around you. Let the noise of the world fade.

“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

In the quiet of this time, rest in that promise.


He established a law for Jacob and set up Instruction for Israel, ordering our ancestors to teach them to their children. This is so that the next generation and children not yet born will know these things, and so they can rise up and tell their children to put their hope in God— never forgetting God’s deeds, but keeping God’s commandments.

Psalm 78:5-7


Here, Asaph, the writer of this psalm, shares what God has done for God’s people. He speaks of the establishment of the law and the command that it be passed down from generation to generation. Upon whom does this responsibility fall today?

When I was growing up, I seldom thought of the people who invested in my faith – my ministers, Sunday School and Bible School leaders, youth workers who chaperoned countless trips, my friends’ parents who unintentionally modeled their faiths for me… I didn’t even think of my own parents who provided such solid faith-based guideposts for my life.

Now, at 63, a day does not pass that I don’t thank God for those who contributed to my heritage of faith. I bet there are people in your life who are making sure you hear God’s word. Don’t wait until you are an old guy like me to offer heartfelt thanks.

Bill Ogletree


Thank you, God, for providing a life path for me through your word. Make me grateful for those who take the time to co-create my experience in faith. Ready me for this task in time. Amen.


Go from this time asking, “Whom will I serve today?”

Remember, you’re not a random accident. God, the author of all things, started your story and has your back.

God is worthy of your service.