Ordinary Time


“We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God. God will be constantly crossing our paths and canceling our plans...”

from "Life Together" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1939)

Today we pause to discern how God might be interrupting our lives to break us out of our comfort zone, inviting us into a deeper walk of faith.


They entered Capernaum. When they had come into a house, he asked them, “What were you arguing about during the journey?” They didn’t respond, since on the way they had been debating with each other about who was the greatest.

Mark 9:33-34


It’s hard not to measure ourselves against others we know. I am often my own worst enemy as my insecurities are brought forth when I attempt to measure myself against others. Whether it is material possessions or general progress in life, I attempt to draw self-worth from others. Then that nagging question of “am I good enough?” begins to creep into my mind, and if I let it, it will continue down to my heart.

The disciples knew that their conversation of who was the greatest was misguided because they did not immediately respond to Jesus’ question. Our self-worth should not be measured against others but found in God. If we could see ourselves the way God looks at us, we would see nothing but deep love and care. It is from God that we derive our identity and from whom we feel the abundance of love.

Rob Schoeck


God of love, interrupt my heart and my mind to remind me of your unconditional love. Help me to see myself through your eyes. Draw close to me when I feel lost or alone. Strengthen me when challenged. Through it all may I continue to follow you along the Way. Amen.


Be prepared. Whatever your plans are for today, or however you imagined your day going, be prepared.

God may be reaching out to you in the most surprising and unexpected way. God wants to be in relationship with you and is trying to break into your life. It is up to you to be open to that invitation, no matter what guise it might take.

Be prepared, because God loves you and will show you this through the people and the world around you.