Ordinary Time


Hold up. What’s on your mind? Is something bugging you? I know it’s easier said than done, but put it aside for a second. Don’t worry, it will still be there later.

Now is the time to have a moment with God. I know… God is always there, but this moment is for just you and God — not the 10 million other things that always seem to interfere.

All the other cares of this world are just that, cares of this world. Put them away and take this moment. Hold it. Cherish it.

Use it to breathe, slow down, and chat with your God — the God of words and wonders.


The Lord supports all who fall down, straightens up all who are bent low. All eyes look to you, hoping, and you give them their food right on time, opening your hand and satisfying the desire of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, faithful in all his deeds. The Lord is close to everyone who calls out to him, to all who call out to him sincerely.

Psalm 145:14-18


When I was little, I wanted to be Batman. Now that I’m a little older, I still want to be Batman.

I want to clearly know wrong and right, when to wait, and when to fight. I want to have the conviction that never lets go and the training to handle every situation imaginable.

And I want to use all of that to help people.

I’m not sure that I’m allowed to say that the Lord is like Batman… but the Lord is like Batman, only stronger, smarter, more compassionate, and real.

Because of God’s size, we don’t get to see the action the same way we see Batman’s. We don’t always see God’s every motive and move, and we don’t always get to see every conflict resolved by the time the credits roll.

But we trust that God’s care is true, that we can act as fellow heroes in the mission, and maybe even have some pretty cool team-ups with other faithful heroes along the way. Blam!

Chris Suehr


Hey God — it’s me! This world needs saving, and you’ve got the power to do it. Give me some of your bravery and boldness to show the world your might. Amen.


“God, whose almighty word,
chaos and darkness heard,
and took their flight:
hear us, we humbly pray,
and where the gospel-day
sheds not its glorious ray,
let there be light!”

From “Thou, Whose Almighty Word,” 1813, by John Marriott