Ordinary Time


When we submit our lives to what we read in Scripture, we find that we are not being led to see God in our stories but our stories in God’s. God is the larger context and plot in which our stories find themselves.

Eugene Peterson in Eat This Book (2006)


When evening came, Jesus’ disciples went down to the lake. They got into a boat and were crossing the lake to Capernaum. It was already getting dark and Jesus hadn’t come to them yet. The water was getting rough because a strong wind was blowing. When the wind had driven them out for about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the water. He was approaching the boat and they were afraid. He said to them, “I Am. Don’t be afraid.” Then they wanted to take him into the boat, and just then the boat reached the land where they had been heading.

John 6:16-21


Fear can be debilitating. Have you ever felt stuck and unable to make a decision because you were afraid of the potential ripple effects it may have?

Jesus’ literal walk-on-water approach in the scripture we read today tells a story of hope and trust for those in relationship with him. The disciples, many of whom are professional fishermen, are catatonic with fear over the storm swirling around them. When they tune their ears and catch the audible voice of Jesus, everything changes. Their fear turns into trust, they take him into the boat, and they arrive where they were headed.

Today, may we look up and keenly listen for the voice of Jesus saying, “I Am. Don’t be afraid.”

John Uldrick


Jesus, still the noise around me and slow my mind so that I can listen for your voice. Show yourself to me as I pay attention and open my ears to hear you call, “I Am. Don’t be afraid.” Amen.


Father, write yourself upon my heart and life – that I may be an open book about you, so that others might read of your unending love on every page. In the name of Jesus, the author of our faith. Amen

Jim Branch in The Blue Book (2016)