Ordinary Time


Look around you, feel the breeze, and experience the loving warmth of God.


Jesus looked at him carefully and loved him. He said, “You are lacking one thing. Go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor. Then you will have treasure in heaven. And come, follow me.” But the man was dismayed at this statement and went away saddened, because he had many possessions.

Mark 10:21-22


A while back, an actor who played the character of Jesus in a series was asked, What would you ask Jesus if you were facing him having a cup of coffee? This actor took a pause and answered, Am I doing it right?

We might think he was referring to his acting performance. That might be one option, but his answer went far beyond that. It’s the same thing we must ask ourselves every day. Are we doing it right?

To answer this question, we must then analyze whether our actions reflect the teachings of Jesus. Are we stopping to listen to the voices of the needy? Are we reaching out to lift, heal, and help? Are we raising our voices on behalf of the oppressed? Do we recognize that what we are and have is by grace and share it with those in need?

If we are doing these things, then let us continue to walk steadily because we are doing well. We are following the God of immense goodness.

Luis Daniel Román Hernández

Question to Ponder:

How can I be a good collaborator with God’s mission in the world?


God, I want to follow you. Help me to renounce all that binds me and prevents me from moving forward. Help me to lend my ear to hear the cry of my neighbor. Use my hands to build bridges of unity. Open my mouth to proclaim a message of hope and love.



Keep following God.

You are not alone, never alone.

God is with you.

God is with you.