Following the Star


Once the decorations come down, where do you notice the Christmas lights still shining?

Today, take a few moments to notice and remember the people, places, and experiences where you are continuing to see Christmas light.


Arise! Shine! Your light has come; the Lord’s glory has shone upon you. Though darkness covers the earth and gloom the nations, the Lord will shine upon you; God’s glory will appear over you. Nations will come to your light and kings to your dawning radiance.

Isaiah 60:1-3


Most of the time, language like darkness covering the earth and gloom the nations is overdramatic. But there are times where it feels like an accurate description. World wars. Economic crashes. And now, COVID-19. We call it a pandemic. Pandemic means that it is a disease on a global scale, that it has covered the world. And it is gloomy.

For so many people, it has been hard to arise and shine. When you are stuck inside for more hours than not every day, are you excited to arise and shine the next day? When you cannot spend time with family and friends like you usually would, is arising and shining all that worth it? Yeah… It is hard to arise and shine.

Yet, we have to arise and shine. We arise and shine because we see the light at the end of the tunnel of this pandemic. Vaccines. We arise and shine because God, the ultimate light at the end of every tunnel, never stops shining, even when it is darkest and gloomiest.

Patrick Kangrga


God, when things are going well, help me to see the light all around me. When I feel surrounded by darkness and sadness and cannot see the light, help me remember your light. Each day, help me as I arise and try my best to shine with that light. Amen.


Is the Christmas light still shining bright in you?

Take that light out into the world.

Live brightly so that others may take notice and be reminded of God's love and light.