Ordinary Time


In this moment, breathe slowly and deeply.

Breathe in the love of God.

Breathe out the peace of Christ.

Try it again.

You are entering into a moment of calm and centering peace.


Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” There was plenty of grass there. They sat down, about five thousand of them. Then Jesus took the bread. When he had given thanks, he distributed it to those who were sitting there. He did the same with the fish, each getting as much as they wanted. When they had plenty to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather up the leftover pieces, so that nothing will be wasted.” So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves that had been left over by those who had eaten.

John 6:10-13


The final scene of leftovers, twelve basketfuls, one for each disciple, gets me every time. My jaw drops, my eyes widen, and I am left speechless at that final part of the story. One basketful of leftovers is sufficient, two is outstanding, but twelve?! One for each disciple to carry home. I wonder what each did with his basket.

I wonder if Simon Peter shared his basket with his neighbors.

I wonder if Bartholomew rushed home to show his siblings.

I wonder if Judas Thaddaeus lightened his load by handing out the leftovers while walking home.

No matter what they did, I bet they all shared what happened that day. It was a story to tell for days. The time when Jesus fed a multitude when all he had was a kid’s lunchbox of bread and sardines. What a story of surprising grace, abundant and amazing. What a story of such love divine. No matter what you do with it, may you give it away, for in the giving, there is more.

Aram Feinberg

Question to Ponder:

What is an example of compassionate sharing you’ve recently witnessed and/or have experienced?


God, thank you for showing me Jesus’ compassion, tender care, and providence that day for the multitudes, including the disciples.

Today, I need your compassion and care with…

When a situation seems too difficult, help me to remember that your loving care has the power to provide more than I can imagine.



May the God of love bless you and keep you.

May Jesus the Christ smile upon you and be gracious toward you.

And may the Spirit of truth lead you in the path of wisdom and peace.

And God’s people say: Amen.