Ordinary Time


Quiet your mind and calm your body. Invite God to lead you on the journey of listening to scripture, being open to how God is guiding you.


This is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love each other as he commanded us. Those who keep his commandments dwell in God and God dwells in them. This is how we know that he dwells in us, because of the Spirit he has given us.

1 John 3:23-24


This passage describes both Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and how they impact our lives. The writer says that God lives in people who keep God’s commands, and that God’s command is to believe in Jesus and love others. We’re reminded of when Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love God, and the second commandment is to love our neighbors.

Our passage also says that we will know God lives in us through the Holy Spirit. We can choose to follow God’s commandments, but there is also mystery in these verses. We don’t know exactly how the Holy Spirit works and moves, but the Spirit does come from God and can live in us. When we believe in Christ and love others, the Spirit can work through us. We can live in the mystery of God’s love, share that love with others, and let God work through us in our everyday lives.

Stephanie Ezell

Question to Ponder:

How can we show God’s love to others in simple, everyday situations?


Dear God, thank you for sending Jesus and your Spirit into my life. Help me to be open to how your Spirit can work through me and help me to show your love to others.



Go into the world, with the love of God.

Go into the world, with the peace of the risen Christ.

Go into the world, inspired by the Holy Spirit.