Journey to the Cross


Can a king be humble?

With robes and jewels, pomp and circumstance, power and servants?

Jesus – the humble king – seeks to serve, not to be served.

Let’s welcome him into our lives today.


Give thanks to the Lord because he is good, because his faithful love lasts forever. Let Israel say it: “God’s faithful love lasts forever!”

Open the gates of righteousness for me so I can come in and give thanks to the Lord! This is the Lord’s gate; those who are righteous enter through it.

I thank you because you answered me, because you were my saving help. The stone rejected by the builders is now the main foundation stone! This has happened because of the Lord; it is astounding in our sight! This is the day the Lord acted; we will rejoice and celebrate in it!

Psalm 118:1-2, 19-24


Sometimes we can feel far away from God, and maybe we know we have said or done things that are not what God would have us say or do. It is easy to begin to beat ourselves up and tell ourselves we are unworthy, unforgivable, and unlovable. It is during these times we can reach out to God and confess not only our wrongdoings but also our fear of not being worthy, forgivable, and loved.

In this psalm, we are reminded that God is good and God’s faithful love lasts forever, unconditionally. God rejoices when we return, but God never removes God’s love – no matter what.

Katherine Doyle


Dear God, thank you for continuing to love me no matter what.

Thank you for reminding me that because you are good and I am created in your image, I am also good.

Help me to love others as you love me.



We are to model Jesus’s life.

How can you serve God and others today?